Toph's Treasures

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Not Bad For a guy with Small Shoulders!

That title of this blog really has very little to do with what I am going to write abiout but I thought it was a funny moment. Oh wow, I have had the most intense last week or so. To start with let's talk a little about the healing rooms. This is really where a whole lot of God stuff started happening for me. I have been praying in the Seattle healing rooms now just about every Monday since they opened back in October. I have went through many times where I really didn't believe or have confidence in myself and that God speaks to me so many times I would get something but not say it because I was possibly afraid it was wrong. But God has broken that off of me in a huge way and I am now walking in a confidence that I have never felt before and that in itself is almost scary. People are getting miraculously healed through this ministry and the number of people who come each week keeps increasing. After this last week I think that we are averaging somewhere around 9-10 people a week. A lot of times it is some of the same people coming back to get pray for for the same thing but amazing each week God gives us something new to pray with them about, it's cool. It's like God has given us a puzzle to work on only when the person first arrives God only gives us a few of the pieces and progressively as they come each week God gives us more and more pieces. This is weird because some people just come once and they are released into the healing and we may never see them again. God works in mysterious ways. I love praying for people it is awesome!

So there are really one reason for today's blog to give a recap of the One Desire weekend, if you don't have time to read on in short I will say "God is my One desire." The cool thing though is that as I focus on Him, He has brought a desire that I have longed for a while into my life and really I wasn't even looking for it, it just happened. That is that He brought me a new friend that I have taken interest in because primary because she is an awesome women of God. Sorry no names, but those of you who know me know who I'm talking about.

One Desire is a worship conference here in Seattle that is for youth and young adults, and adults too I guess basically anyone who God decided to bring. It was for the whole weekend. The first night Barry Eglehorn led the worship with some people from his church and others. The worship was intense and there was a lot of dancing going on. I really like dancing and jumping around I think it is a lot of fun. God wants us to have fun with worship because he is an amazing God. Pastor Doug Heck spoke the first night about offenses. Many people were touched. I felt like God was giving me something new but I wasn't sure what that was. He was giving me words for people. I prayed for one of my youth named Poppy and an urgency popped up inside of me I didn't know what it was but it was intense. I started yelling at the devil and telling him to stay away from this one because you have no right and I will fight for him. it was cool that really is the one that I can remeber the most there were other things that happened too. One really funny thing is that I was praying for another one of my youth named Fela and God has really just put it on my heart to pray for the junior high kids who were there from my group. I did a nono when praying for Fela because I had my eyes closed and sometimes when that happens bad things happen. My hands move around when I pray with fervency, and while I was praying my hand happened to push somebody in the butt. Fortunately it was someone who I knew who was a leader, Jessica, who is Jeremy's sister. I was quite embarrassed. After the conference my friends all went out to Denny's for dinner. We had a group of about thirteen people. We had to sit in two groups. I led the way but right behind me were a few people I was hoping would follow me to my table and one of those was the girl that God has seriously been putting on my heart. She is one of the coolest Christian girls I have met and man do we have a lot in common. We had some chemistry going on at Denny's too it was major fun. We ended up staying till about 1 o clock in the morning. That was crazy because we had to be there at 8 am the next morning.

Day Two, Oh man I have to shorten this up a bit or you are going to be here all day. The youth group sold coffee and muffins and bagels to raise money. The morning part didn't go so well but later on for the lunch that we made it was good because I think that we made about eighty dollars or so. The conference worship was a little more mellow in the morning because after all it was morning you know. Tom Isengard, I think this guy has a cool name sounds like he should be in the Lord of the Rings or something was speaking about prayer. I kind of felt bad because I had to leave and prepare lunch for everybody. The youth group was selling hot dogs. After lunch we went out to Marymoor park to watch the model airplanes fly but it happened that there were none out there, so we went to Redmond Town Center a mall. It was actually a pretty dumb mall, a lot of high priced stores for rich people like the ones that work at Microsoft. We got a call from Dave Swensen that a group of people from Corvallis Oregon were down at Pike Place market preforming human videos and they needed people to come down and pray for them. We were thinking that there was going to be this huge throng of people but it only happened to be a few. Everybody went and prayed for certain people but I wasn't really feeling like God wanted me to talk to anyone, I think He wanted me to just observe so I did. One of the people prayed for was Michael. This is an amazing story! This guy was sitting down in Pike Place market because he was from Bremerton and didn't have anything to do. He is a beliver of Jesus but didn't have a church yet so Meg and the people with her invited him to come with us to the conference. Turns out he is in the Navy stationed in Bremerton and had the weekend off. Mike ended up coming to the conference Saturday night, got baptized in the Holy Spirit , received his prayer language, stayed the night with someone he just met, came to church the next morning, hung out all day Sunday, stayed for the Sunday night service and basically stayed as late as he could on Sunday night, the 12:50 ferry. It was cool, I got to pray with him to re3ceive the baptism in the Holy Spirit, it was awesome how God touched Him. I have to go to work now so I will try to finish this later on. Sorry ran out of time!!

The Toph,
Embrace him


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