Mexico Day 3!
Today is the day we actually went out and built the house for the family. The house is 12 feet by 16 feet and we had a crew of about 10-12 people working on getting it done. It rained approxiamately 6inches today , all in the morning!!! That is half of the total rainfall that Tijuana gets in a year in just one morning. We started the morning at the dormitory, had a time of devotions and then worship and a teaching. We left the dorms at about 9:30 am and arrived at the jobsite at approxiamately 11:00am.
We got out of the van and went right to work unloading the truck which we loaded the day before. We are quite fortunate because we get the entire crew from Caravan ministries working with us usually a group gets one person who leads them all but we got the WHOLE team!! After unloading the truck we started out by cutting the boards for the walls. After all the boards were cut we started putting them together. We had all four walls of the house amazingly done at 1:00pm, in just two hours we made four walls!!
We took a break for lunch. The family we were building for prepared us a meal as a blessing to us for helping them in this way. We gladly accepted, the food was actually really good. They made us what was called by the Caravan people chicken grab bag pasta salad. What that means is basically they took a chicken grab bag which has all the different parts in a bag and cooked it and put it as the meat for this pasta salad. You didn't know if you were eating chicken feet, butt, beak, whatever. It didn't matter though because I was hungry and didn't care it was a free meal and I never turn those down if I can possibly help it.
After lunch it was back to work getting the four walls together and placing the roof on it. Our group seemed to have troubles getting the house square so that we could put the roof on, but finally we got it good enough that we could finish it. After we were all done building we had a chance to pray with the family and bless them and their new home. It was quite an awesome experience because their next door neighbor happened to be a pastor who translated for us so the family heard every word we prayed in their own language it was cool.
After we got back to the dorms we talked one of the guys at Caravan named Dan to take us to the taco stand again for more food. Again it was awesome. Everyone was tired so basically that was the end of a hard but fun day.
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