Toph's Treasures

Saturday, February 19, 2005

Mexico Day 2

We woke up at 7:45 because we had to get out of the church by about 8 because they were holding their sunday Service. I really wanted to go just out of obligation to the church for staying the night there. I mean the pastor even gave me a key and the security code, Wow I was floored by that. We had to go so we could meet the people we were going to work with in Mexico at 1:00 pm in San diego, which is over 100 miles away. I experienced the traveling time warp, Jeremy and Dan remember this one from our Monterrey trip. It took us like 5 hours to go 100 miles crazy. We stopped at Costco, gas, and then Burger King to meet our liasons.

We had to speed all the way there just to make it on time. We arrived just at about the same time as the people from Mexico. We met Matt, who looked liked the guy they called Sunshine on Remember the Titans, and Shelly. When we finally got to the place we were going in Mexico it was about 3. We took our stuff upstairs and about fifteen minutes later they had a welcome orientation , where we met the staff, learned the rules etc.. When they finished that they put us to work loading the truck for the next day.

After the truck was loaded we offered to take the people of the house out for tacos.They took us to a place called Gordo's. It was really awesome I paid for a guy named Curtis who I really enjoyed because he had a similiar personality to mine. They also tried to take us to a coffee shop so Doug could experience coffee the Mexican way but it was closed. For dessert we went to an ice cream place instead. Big waffle cone, two scoops of ice cream and syrup and whipped cream all for the large price of 1 dollar and 20 cents. Pretty darn good deal. We were stuffed after that. Went back to the dorms for a rousing game of pass the pigs and then the not so fun game of Water Poker. Water Poker was basically poker but the worst two hands had to drink water, if you had to pee you were out of the game unless you came back and drank 1 large glass of water. The large glass was about 24 ounces . It made for a long night for all but at least we were hydrated the next day.


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