The Battle Begins!!!
This blog goes out to my good friend Laura. You can read the title of this one because this is just the beginning, I shall not rest until I have the last word, Touche! Not I am just kidding, I just wanted to write about the really fun day of my round two of unemployment. I started out the day by starting my blog, then looked for some jobs, I applied for three jobs, Customer service with AAA of Washington, Customer service for another company, and then I also applied for a management position with Quizno's Subs. I am expecting Quizno's to come calling once they find out that I managed a Subway for four years. After doing this my good friend Jason Smackey called to wish me a happy Valentine's day which I thought was cool of him, I like to talk with the Smack man because we identify with each other. After this I went to help out Papa Charlie Smooth ( pimp name) real name has been withheld for the purpose of protecting the Townsend family, with moving from one home to another. They had quite a bit of stuff so it was a full day I was having a hard time staying awake after lunch. I ended my night by going to the Healing Rooms. This was a little bit scary for me but I don't think scary is the word I think it is more nervous because Jeremy asked me to be the team leader, and it's not that I can't be a team leader it is just that it stretched me a little bit which is great because it is helping me to grow more into the calling that God has for me. I can't really talk about what happened at the Healing Rooms for purposes of confidentiality but let me say that God was totally in control and was giving me words all over the place to speak into people's lives. Ended the day by getting to hang out with some friends which really is kind of what prompted me to post tonight, which brings me back to the beginning of this post, It's On Laura.
The Toph
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