Bye Bye Birdie Bye Bye
Well today started out interesting. I got a phone call in the early morning hours that went something like this.
C: "Hello"
Yvonne: "Hi Chris this is Yvonne from church."
C: "Oh Hi Yvonne how are you?"
Y: "Well I'm doing OK but I have a problem I was hoping you could help me with."
C: "Oh really, what is it?"
Y: "Well, you see there is this bird that is trapped in the Upper Room here at church I was wondering if you could come help me get it out because it would cost the church too much money for someone to come extract the bird from the building, like 100 dollars or something."
C: "Uh OK I will be right over since I live right across the street."
Anyway I get over there and I think it is just a small bird because Yvonne said something about it being small so I grabbed a plastic cup from my house thinking it was small. I get over there and it was basically a full sized bird. I thought well I think I better go get a box or something a bit bigger for this job. Yvonne left all the windows of the upper room open. I went to go empty a box which I found by all the free folder in our church and it took me like 3 minutes to clean all the stuff out of it. By the time I finally got the box I went back to the room to get the bird. By the time I had gotten back the bird was gone it must have flewn out of one of the windows. The interesting part was that the bird was up by the high windows in the Upper room and kept smacking into the glass. I guess just the mere sight of me scared the bejebus out of that bird because he was gone before I got back.
I was thinking to myself, hey this could be quite a good job, charge someone 100 dollars for me to look at a bird just once and then he leaves all by himself because he is afraid of what may happen to his wing if I got a hold of it. I should have immediately demanded that Yvonne give me 100 dollars but hey God just put it on my tab.
The rest of the day was mediocre. I looked for jobs for about 4 to 5 hours then prepared myself for teaching in the youth group. I didn't end up teaching but I am always ready because I never know for sure if I'm teaching or not. I was on worship team though and I played the congas and sang. the mike they gave me for singing was a lapel mic and I forgot to turn it on but oh well at least I sang like it was on.
After church some friends and I went to Denny's, it was pretty much routine. Laura this is #4. Chris Harbert it is great to have you home missed ya buddy. Jeremy I am just glad that you are my friend because I would really hate it if you were my enemy. Anyhoo later all my peeps.
The Toph
Hey J only sometimes I think you could be really mean if you wanted too that's all.
Unknown, at 9:06 AM
hey~! howdy? It's me Judy.
I am so glad I found your website too. I went to chris's website and than I end up going to jeremy's.
Now I am here.
I am so glad... I found you~! this way. ha ha ha....
come see my website. okay~!
you cool bro~!
truethee4you, at 11:06 AM
Seriously Chris are you trying to get Laura riled up, cause my guess is it will work, you just watch she will post novels, when she has time :) (don't worry Laura, I BELIEVE IN YOU)
P.S. Nice to have you back Sorbet
Joyjoyjoyjoydownnmy, at 7:49 PM
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