Happy Birthday to Me!!
Hey it's my birthday and normally that might be a hard thing for me considering I'm getting older and I guess apparently I am beginning to develop gray hairs, and also the worst I'm not married either yet. On top of all that my day started out with me quitting the first job that I have had in about two months. I have been out of work for two months and it is beginning to suck. The carpet cleaning job was just too hard of work and too many hours a day. I worked 21 hours in two days!!!!!! ARGHHHHHHH!!!!!! But I didn't let all that get me down because in all aspects really God is pretty awesome. I was down about it but prayed and God made it all good.
Chris H. and I went up toHarborview to visit Nick Messenger. If you haven't heard this story yet then prepare to be WOWed by God. This little 11 year old boy gets hit by a car, gets real messed up and basically goes into a coma and has to be in the ICU unit of the hospital. This story has been on the news a whole bunch because they are trying to get a light put in at that intersection. The Healing Rooms ministry run by my great friend Jeremy got an email that they wanted to have someone come pray for him so my other great friend Chris H. went to pray for Nick. A relationship began with that and at least one person has been going up there almost everyday. Nick has been progressively getting better in leaps and bounds. He had a surgery on his leg, He originally was hooked up to a machine for breathing but just recently they took him off of it and he is breathing on his own. He had some pneumonia in his lungs but that all cleared up. Basically to make a long story short God has done some miraculous healing in Nick but most importantly in the family and people related to this incident. GOD is REAL!!!! It is just cool to have the opportunity to go spend with Nickand His mom Jennifer and Dad Eric.
After coming back from lunch I did some research for finding a new job and clearing up my unemployment status issues. Jeremy called me up and asked me if he could by me lunch and I was like heck ya. Food is the best way to reach me I think my love language would be food if that were one. I had lunch with him and tonia this lady from my old work who has breast cancer. I got to have Chicken Yakisoba from Sunny Teriyaki so life was good.
Later on at youth group the kids tried really hard to be secretive and all sign a card for my birthday but I knew all along that they were doing it but I played dumb like I had no clue. Anna, Doug and I shared about our trip to Mexico and all the cool stuff that God did. I love those kids they are such good kids. I am really excited because this weekend is the Winter Breakaway which should be an absolutely awesome time, basically it is like a weekend getaway. this will be a totally new experience for me being the junior high youth pastor because I will be playing a totally different role at a camp than I have ever before that of one of the main leaders. I have a whole different set of responsiblities than I have ever had before so I am really excited, but mainly just to have the opportunity to be able to spend time with these kids all weekend and get to know them better. Also at church my friend from LIFE Pacific came, John Treeman or Tree as I call him. He used to be a professional skier and was on like Warren Miller fills and what not. John is a really cool guy.
After church a bunch of my friends went out to the OLD Spaghetti Factory to celebrate my birthday. They told me I was invited to my surprise birthday party. It was cool. Soleil and John both pitched in together to buy my dinner and again my love language was being spoken . Boy I really felt loved and also I think I gained like maybe a couple ounces or something but no need to worry my ultrasonic metabolism will take care of those pesky little ounces. Thanks for such a great day God, your awesome!!!
Hey Chris! Just letting you know I got onboard with this blogging thing: warriorofworship.blogspot.com.
BTW, thanks for all the work you did on the Breakaway. Your a real blessing to the rest of us. God bless you, man!
WarriorofWorship, at 9:02 AM
Oops, forgot to mention, this is Andrew. See ya tonight.
WarriorofWorship, at 3:56 PM
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