The Weekend!!
Hey, here's an update about my weekend: Started out on Friday by having bible study over at Charlie's house which is kind of cool because we have been going over some questions and debating about different subjects, I like to do that because it is interesting to find out other people's opinions. We talked this week about an actual question that someone in the healing rooms asked about. They were using exodus 4 I think, anyway the arguement was "Why did God make some people blind and deaf? Why would God make someone that was born with a defect? What is the answer I really don't know but some good discussion arose from that.
After the Bible study Jeremy reminded me that a seattle bike club had their monthly midnight Green Lake sprint race. Last month he and I went down there to see them race and I said that the next month I was going to race with them. I hadn't been training for this but I did it anyway. I was all dressed up in my tights etc. and all these dudes were like punk bikers and some normal people too but it was weird because I didn't know anyone I just wanted to race. There were about 20 racers. I was so nervous at the start that I almost fell over on my bike, because one foot was clipped into the pedals, fortunately my friend Jeremy was there to watch me and actually helped me by being there so I had something to grab onto as I would have fell, thanks Jerm.
The airhorn sounded and I was off for my three mile race around Green Lake. I was really pumped up and started really well actually probably to well. I was in the top three or four people to start. We were booking around the lake and then about halfway I started to get bogged down and wasn't able to keep up with them anymore. About this time four people passed me because basically they were drafting off of me. In the end I passed one of them and finished in about 6th place, I was really impressed because I actually beat some people.
Saturday was pretty boring because it rained most of the day. I went picked up a check from Silver Cup and deposited all my money about 800 dollars. After that I went to church to practice for our human video that the youth group was going to perform on Easter. The kids are awesome and it was fun practicing with them. After the practice I came home and it finally stopped raining so I was supposed to ride 50 miles for my bike training that day. I left at about 6 and didn't get home till about 9 . I rode 38 miles in all. I went over the I 90 bridge to Mercer Island. I rode most of the way around Mercer island on Mercer way. It was a somewhat euphoric ride because I was riding in the pouring down rain and it was completely dark and I owned the road only had a bout 2 cars going my way so I was riding in the middle of the lane it was so cool I loved it except for all the rain. I got home and was so hungry that I ate an apple and Hot Tamales while I took a shower that was a weird experience. Went to bed at 10:30. I will post about Sunday Tomorrow!! Got to get to bed now goodnight all!
I almost cried... on Esterday when you guys did little drama. It was... so awesome~! Amanda did really great job, too. She's so fun and awesome sister that I have.
Man... I am so bless because of you guys.
You take care.
truethee4you, at 3:38 PM
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