Easter Eggstravaganza!!
Ha Ha Ha Hardy Har Har!! My title so funny I forgot to laugh. Anyway this is the rest of the post I wasn't able to do because I was majorly falling asleep. On Sunday I had to be at church at 8 am for worship practice although we didn't really do anything for it. The musicians basically all tuned up their instruments while the choir sat around waiting. I can't believe that I am in the choir it is pretty cool and I like it and all but if you would have asked me a couple of months ago where do you see yourself in the future I don't think choir was in there but I love it and its fun.
We had preservice prayer at 8:30 and then after that worship practice until 10:15. I also was involved in the youth group's human video. Then during worship practice they asked me to be on altar ministry team so of course I said yes. the service began and the worship was awesome I could feel tingles going up and down my neck (sign that the Holy Spirit is there). It was a rushed frantic day for me but I loved it. As soon as I got done with worship I was supposed to dash into a side room and change into different clothes for the video. I opened the door of the side room and Yvonne was behind the door changing. Thank goodness she had just started and I didn't see anything but it was still weird. So next I ran to find a room I could change in the bathroom (nope), where else quick uh Healing Room ok quick, so I dashed in and changed and then ran back to take my place on the team. When I got back there they were ready for me. The music started it was a song about Jesus carrying his cross and being crucified. I was one of the characters I pleaded with the people for mecry but they gave me none. When I was walking out I was almost crying I could feel my eyes welling up and I looked into people's eyes and I could tell it was hitting them hard. Amanda, Adam, Fela and Poppy did a great job and the video was awesome.
When I was finished I went back to the Healing Room to get my clothes and came back into the sanctuary for the sermon. After the sermon I prayed for people on the altar ministry team. One of the people I prayed for was slain in the spirit and it was pretty cool. The new girl that I believe I have begun to find interest in looked up at me and applauded me and I looked back at her and pointed to the sky. This was the only chance the whole day I got to talk to her because I was so busy that part was kind of a bummer.
After church, Jeremy, Meg and I went over to Ethan and Tyler Bench's house for Easter. I really love J and Meg because they take me to all their holiday events it is pretty cool of them. Had a great time at the Bench's place. Played Apples to Apples forever, and then later had an Easter Egg hunt in the dark, all in all it was way fun and I like Ethan and Tyler they are good people. Well got to go now.
I am off to my two new jobs, one at the Funeral home as a courier and the other for Zeeks pizza as a delivery driver. Bye folks Happy Blogging
The Toph
I was trying to leave a comments on this ... But my computer didn't work at that time. I guess it's working again.
I had really fun on Ester day with kids... I hided bunch of Eggs downstairs and it was so funny when kids try to find them.
They are all innocent!
They rock my words~~!
I...Just wanna say hey what up~~!
Thank you for bumping at me last sunday at church.
See you around.
leave the comments on here.
It's my Xanga site.
truethee4you, at 10:55 PM
sorry... for again.
I think It's this one for my site.
try that one~!
truethee4you, at 11:00 PM
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