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Hey everyone who reads my blog. I am really sorry that it has taken me so long for me to post a new one. I have been very busy though with my new work. I have not had a day off in about three weeks. It kind of sucks but I get some good money. I am able to buy some pretty cool things, for instance I bought a set of Schalloch congas to use at youth group. I should have them by Wednesday.
My personal life has suffered quite a bit because of all the working. I love my friends but I feel diconnected from them and then when I finally do get a chance to hang out with them it seems like they don't really respond the way I would like them to but oh well that's life. I also have been struggling with the fact that all of my closest friends are either married or have a girlfriend. I mean I could handle it last year when my two best friends finally got to gether with there significant others because I could understand that but just recently two of my newer really good friends got hooked up with girls that are from our church and they haven't really been at church that long. I just don't really understand it. Although I am beginning to have a large interest in a certain lady who is super cool and is an awesome woman of God. One of the cool things that I like about her is that we have a lot in common.
My family things have been going well nad a super huge praise report is that my sister got baptised in a Baptist church and has been going there every week since the beginning of the year. She has been doing a whole lot of improvement and is really showing some great character right now. On the down side though her and her husband have split because of the drinking problem that he has. She is basically fed up with it and wants to protect her children and herself from his drinking problem. It is a smart move by her but I feel bad for the kids and the family.
Anyway that is an update on what has been going on in brief. Love you all check you later.
Someday... you will find the right person for you.
truethee4you, at 4:26 PM
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