Holy COW!!!
Wednesday night church was absolutely awesome. I don't think it could have went any better. I was preaching to the youth group that night. The night started at 5:30 when I showed up at the church and went over to get my drums and bring them to the youth building. Then we had worship practice, it went pretty well but we were a little sluggish. Preservice prayer was like normal except that Iwas expecting God to do a big thing with our group and oh man I think He really did. The thing that floored me the most was that Girl came over to the youth group to hear me preach and to support me. ???? Say what??? She was my only "friend" that went that far, is it just me or does she like me? Maybe I'm crazy maybe not but what I do know is Whoa this girl is super cool. I preached about evangelism and outreach. The one thing that I talked about most was getting over fear in regards to sharing God with people. When I gave the altar call I was surprised because the kids that came forward were not the ones that I expected. The ones that came forward were the ones that didn't really need more boldness but they were saying they were afriad. God broke that fear in them and I can not wait to hear the results from these great kids. I have one of the coolest jobs in the world.
Back to the Girl story. Holy Crap!! I don't really know what to say except that man do I like her. If she pulls the "Oh I'm just your friend card on me I will be totally floored. After coming over by herself to youth group, a place she has never been to before, she helped me carry my drums back over to the church. Wow! Cool! After church a group of friends wanted to go to Cafe Minnies, so we went. i suggested that we carpool so we didn't take fifteen different cars downtown and everyone was like ok. I went with Girl and I thought more people were coming with us but they backed out so it was just her and I in the car. It was really great because it gave aus a chance to talk a little bit. Earlier at church I started talking about doing my blog and all and she started asking me questions about blogs but I was good I did not reveal my blog address. She may be reading this right now I don't know if she is well I guess that wouldn't be so bad. This has really helped me to not just go tell her all my feelings about her because I want to develop this friendship first and let it develop rather than rushing into it and telling her everything that I am feeling. We got to the place and this was the first time she had ever been there. It is a kind of weird place it is definitely a Seattle style place. We had a good fun time.
On the way out of the restaurant there was a man named Winston who was asking for change. As the rest of our group walked right past him, I decided to stop and talk with him. I asked him some questions and then after a couple of minutes I asked him if I could pray for him. He was really excited to get prayer and it was a little God moment , Cool! And all this was shared by my good friend Girl. On the ride back to church which normally is about 5 minutes took us like 15 -20 because she missed a turn while we were driving and it ended up taking longer. That was alright by me because I got to talk to her some more. When we finally got back to the church we were still talking and she started to tell me about this book she was reading and it sounded really cool, I could have sat there and talked with her all night but I knew that I was trying my hardest to keep things on the downlow so I basically cut off the conversation very nicely and said well thanks for the ride I will see you when I see you. That was one of the hardest things for me to do, but I knew it was for the best. If I make it to June 1st before telling her it will definitely be a miracle. I have been fighting the urge to tell her for awile but I know that it is good and it is healthy so that is why I am waiting. Another funny thing happened when we were talking that made me think HUH! I told her that I was going to come to her work on Friday for lunch and she said Oh do you like the food? I said not really I mainly come to see my friend. and she said Oh well I like it when people come to visit me at work. Interesting definitely. All the signs are pointing toward something but only God knows it is in His hands. If it is meant to happen then it will continue to grow and happen in this healthy way that it has already started. I am excited about the day I get to tell her. I have already begun to start a plan of action for that day. It will be cool. I am going to invite her to Bible study at Charlies tomorrow hopefully she will come or at least hang out with us afterward. Wow!! God is Awesome the way he works things out.
Another cool thing I was thinking about the other day is that she left Horizon in June of 2003 and I came in to Horizon July 2003 . he didn't allow our paths to cross until this point in tim. Which is cool because I thought I was ready for a relationship but I needed to get healed up from the whole Elizabeth thing, this 1 year and half gave me the time to do that and I am at one of my healthiest points I have ever been at right now. Amazingly God is bringing us together now, Huh! Interesting! Just a ponderable!
The Toph
The Toph Crap I am so excited for you, also you are absolutely kicking Laura's butt on blogging, way to go buddy!
Joyjoyjoyjoydownnmy, at 3:22 PM
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