The rest of the Girl story
Well as you can tell from my more recent blogs that my mind has been filled with either God thoughts or Girl thoughts, both are great and I'm really excited about both. God is using me tonight to speak to my youth group about some of what God did for me during the one Desire conference and such. The topic is on evangelism and I am really excited about it considering that I started working on it last night at 10 pm. I didn't even find out from Charlie about it until Monday afternoon so I took all that time thinking about a direction to take and then God put it all together and I think that I have a great sermon the only thing is I haven't had much time to practice it so I think that it will be a little rough around the edges but I think God is going to bless it anyway.
Now back to the Girl story. Last Monday at the Healing Rooms was the beginning of a new era for the Healing Rooms, we opened up a second healing room officially on Monday nights and this was one of the first weeks. We had two rooms of people praying and God used us to pray for 9 people which was cool. The Lord was giving me stuff for people and it was right on. I have learned to just speak it even if I don't think I should because most of the time I am right on with what I am hearing from God and when I do that I am blessed in my confidence in Him. This has really been growing also. Well Girl, came to the healing rooms that night and played her guitar in the sanctuary during the time when we were praying. After the prayer time was over I went to the sanctuary to get her. I talked with her for about 10 -15 minutes and then we had to go because they were closing up. We invited her to go to Starbucks with us afterwards to hang out. She came with us to the Queene Anne Starbucks, it was basically Jeremy and Meg, Girl and I and then Jason came later. She is so cool I really like hanging out with her. I had told her I was so hungry and when she came in she brought me a bagel from her work so I could eat it, I was surprised but it showed me she cared about me. There are many little things like this that have been happening that I am probably reading to much into but then again maybe I'm not, Maybe she really does like me and care about me. She doesn't do stuff like that for my other friends, so it made me feel special.We stayed till like 11 and then went home.
The next time I saw her was on Wednesday night after the service. I was with the youth group so I came over to see if she was there she was and I didn't really talk to her until she was leaving because she was talking to other people but a bunch of people were going to McMenamins pub to get something to eat and I asked her if she wanted to go and she did. It was kind of cool because again God orchestrated things to happen. For instance we were the last ones to leave church so everyone had walked up to the pub and so we did too but it was only the two of us. We had a great talk on the way up there , it was sweet. When we arrived it happened that we had too many people to fit in one booth so we ended up taking the one next too it. The only people who were in that booth were Jason and Becca (who are dating so theye sat together) and Girl and I. So it was like two couples who went out to dinner together kind of weird the way it worked out but again super cool in my book because all these things that happened I had no planning or anything that went into it they just happened. She was giving me a hard time being sarcastic with me and that kind of thing. She even gave me a new nickname because of what we talked about. Tophurkey( Tofu turkey) anyway that is another story.
The next occurance was that I went into her work on Friday and had lunch there. She works at a place called Harried and Hungry which is downtown and I have to work downtown with the courier job so it doesn't necessarily look out of the ordinary.When I came in I ordered a sandwich and a glass of water, well the water is self serve but as soon as she heard me say water she went and poured me a glass of water, I thought that was cool. Then later she came over and sat with me while I ate and worked on the tips for everyone but it gave her an excuse to sit down with me and talk so that was cool. I wanted to see her before she left for the weekend because she was going to Portland to spend time with her Mom on Mother's day.
Monday the ninth was the next Girl occurence. This one really threw me for a loop. She brought the normal family in that she brings in for prayer but she also brought in one of her friends named Girl's friend (Lauren). From talking with her it sounded as if Girl had talked to her about me and some of the things that I did. Also I told Girl that I was going to quit one of my jobs because it was too much work and she said that was good because that was something that she had been praying for me about. To me correct me if I'm wrong that shows that you are concerned about a person or your thinking about a person because you feel a burden to pray for them so that made me feel special. They left and took the family home and I thought I wouldn't see her again that day but when we were all done Meg called her and asked her if she wanted to hang out. She actually canceled her plans with her friend Lauren just to come hang out with us, which I thought was super interesting. She came and hung out with us and again it was fun. She was having a problem with her skin being itchy and having bumps on her skin. We prayed for her but it got worse toward the end of the night which sort of concerned me. Backing up before that I had her number but felt bad about having it because I didn't actually get it from her but stole it from the church directory. So I was the one who gave it to =Meg so she could call they all wanted me to call her but I didn't feel right about doing that. I was way blessed by getting that chance to hang out with her.
Yesterday, she called Meg and told her that she was going to the hospital to get this rash checked out because it concerned her. I had just come home from work and got the news. My heart was wrenched: Do I call her and show her my concern or do I do nothing? Well, I had to call her even if I didn't ask her for her number I had it and called her. I wanted to make sure she was ok and I had already changed out of my work clothes and was ready to rush to the hospital for moral support but she was already about to see the doctor and actually our conversation got interrupted by the doctor coming in. She called me back as soon as she was done at the hospital and we talked for like 10-15 minutes all the while Chris and Laura were in the background making google eyed comments about her calling me back but I didn't care I was blessed by her. And now she has my phone number and it doesn't even look like I stole it it just looks like I got it from Meg. There are many more things to say but again I must get back to work before I get in trouble. I just can't get her off my mind though you know!
Love always,
The Toph
I am glad to hear that... I knew you were looking for the right Girl. I think... I know her... a little bit. One day before One desire start, I think we met in Korean church so we can get some coffee..... I think ... she's the one you talking about? right?
Yeah... how awesome~!
truethee4you, at 10:58 AM
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