Again with the Girl Story!!
Hey I can't help it there are two things on my mind Jesus and Girl. I think about both of them throughout the day because I am driving so I have a lot of time to think. To finish out the news about my weekend: Sunday morning I woke up at 4 in the morning to leave for Olympia because I had to pick up my race packet. I had to wait around for like an hour or something before the start of the race. Right before the race started it was downpouring and then as soon as the race started it quit raining. The race went pretty well for me actually. I ended up with my best overall time ever, a 3 hours 37 minutes and 2 seconds. I finished in 114th place out of 495 runners and was 11th in my age division. Not to bad. I was praying as much as I could for the Global day of prayer. It was cool I would feel drained and then all of a sudden get these God power surges and actually had one of my better miles at the 18 mile out of 26. I stopped and walked a couple of times which probably added about 3 or 4 minutes to my time.
After the race I drove home as quickly as possible in hopes that I would make it before service let out so I could see my good friend, Girl. I made it for the end of service and was jumping around and praising the Lord afterwards and I was really energized. I wasn't able to talk to her much because I had to get going immediately after church to the last marriage class in Everett. After that I had to go to a youth leader's meeting until like 7:30 or something. Girl was invited to Meg's birthday party (I take this space here to give a shout out to my good friend Megs, God bless your next year and continue to bless your marriage, Love Ya) . The party started at 7:00 so I was sitting in the youth leaders meeting looking at the clock tapping my foot hoping it was over and then as soon as it was I tried to get home as soon as possible. When I arrived though she wasn't there I was disappointed but thought oh maybe she is just running late she was and I will tell you why. (This portion of this blog is what I heard from another source) She went to Harp and Bowl up in Everett, one of the people who was there was Monique. Now I know Monique but not real well and this is what she told Girl "Oh you know who would be good for you, The Toph, you two would be good together." This is totally hearsay maybe even gossip I am not sure but God please forgive me if this is wrong. That was cool maybe it is giving her a confirmation or something I don't know but for Mo to say that is cool.
Well when she showed up man was i happy. She came about the time the cake was being served, she said she was hungry so I offered to make her some food over at my house because on Saturday I bought like 100 dollars worth of food at Costco. She came over to my apartment and I made her some of the Spinach and artichoke dip and wheat thins. While we were standing there we were talking. One of the things I remember her saying was that she put my name in her phone as Tophurkey and I really thought that was interesting because she is the only one that calls me that. It is the name that she gave me the night we went to Mcmenamins. We had a great chat and I brought up that we were planning on going to the Monroe races on Sunday May 29th for there Memorial day show and invited her to come. She and Laura got all into it and now they are going to go to a thrift store and get some interesting clothes to wear that night. I know she will look awesome because I am really impressed with her style, she always looks cute in her clothes. We watched a movie later and I sat down on the futon and she came over and sat on it with me which was cool. I really really wanted to just reach over and put my arm around her but that probably would be really bad since I haven't ever said anything to her about my feelings. It was hard but I resisted.
On Monday we had the Healing Rooms and there were two rooms going the whole 3 hours it was awesome and God did some really awesome stuff. One of the things he was doing to me which again was a new thing for me was that he was telling me stuff for people by the way my actions were before we prayed for the people. For instance before one guy came in I was down on my knees and I was like God what is this, and he told me it was for the guy. he was supposed to bend his knee before Jesus just like you would before a king. Another time He drew me to a part of the room that was seperated and I put my head down like a first grader would do on a desk, I was like God what is this, He told me that it represented a quiet time that the person was having and that He was revealing life changing revelations to them. As soon as I told the person she totally knew what I was talking about it was actually super cool. I just have been doing everything that I think the Lord wants me to do and it keeps getting confirmed I just get more and more confident in Him, it is really exciting. After church was over we went to our usual hangout spot, Starbucks. Girl knew that I always got hungry after Healing rooms so she brought me food. Come on now how many people know you well enough they bring food for you, not many I was blessed. While at Starbucks she brought a book of pictures from her time as a social worker. When she was showing me the pictures she didn't really say much about them and I could tell she wanted to say more so I prodded and got her talk a little more and it was a pretty deep conversation and helped me understand her better. I felt kind of bad because I pushed a little but she responded pretty well all and all. It is hard to explain exactly what it is that we talked about but I learned some valuable stuff about her. It was actually a great night. I can't wait to see her again. I have a hard time being away from her but God has called me to wait until June 1st as a sign of my obedience to Him and I will do that. Hopefully June 1st is going to be agreat day in my life anyway got to get back to work now later all.
The Toph
so does Girl blog???
Pastor Charlie T, at 1:07 PM
That is a negatory, I am trying to keep her away from it for now!! If she read this she would instantly know who I was talking about
Unknown, at 9:39 PM
that could be good.....and
Pastor Charlie T, at 2:12 PM
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