Life is hard Right now.
That is really all I am going to say at this point. I don't want to reveal all my thoughts to the world any longer. I met this really awesome girl named Amber and I am very blessed to know her and have her as a friend. Today was not such a good day in the life of the Toph.
I was feeling barfy all day long. Didn't sleep very well and was pretty dehydrated. In the morning at work I also got ran into by a stupid Charlie's Produce truck and it knocked the mirror off my work car, now I have to fill out an accident report and all that stupid stuff. The guy who hit me was trying to claim it was my fault when it clearly was his and now it is my word against his so I hope I don't get in trouble with my work. Also randomly today while I was driving my necklace broke and the pieces went all down my pants it sucked.
But hey at least I am still alive these are all trivial matters in comparison to that. Remember to thank the Lord each day for all the good things that he has put into your life. I thank God for my family, my friends, my church, and for bikes and running. God bless. I
Hey Toph! Just wanted to say I love ya man and I really appreciate you.
God bless,
WarriorofWorship, at 11:40 AM
dude...I don't have a produce truck...I have an old ford
Pastor Charlie T, at 11:13 AM
How can I have fun without you at my church... Toph~!
I'll pray for you man.
truethee4you, at 7:49 PM
You are great person I know.
Be strong~!
truethee4you, at 5:01 PM
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